Hi folks,

i have to look for an old live system with solr 1.4.
When i optimize an bigger index with round about 200GB(after optimize
and cut, 100GB) and my slaves
replicate the newest version after(!) optimize, they hang(all) with
100% in replication and they have at once circa 300GB index sizes.
After a couple of seconds i have to restart my Tomcat, because the
slaves are no longer be able to response on queries...
Ironically, they have the same number of segments like master, i can't
see errors in my logfile and the server load is normal.
What's wrong here? :)
Normal HTTP Replication is used, this params are set on master:
    <str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
    <str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>
    <str name="replicateAfter">optimize</str>

Any ideas?

Best regards

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