
did you include the fl parameter in the Solr query URL? If that's the case make 
sure that the field name 'text' is mentioned there. You should also make sure 
that the field definition (in schema.xml) for 'text' says stored="true", 
otherwise the field will not be returned.


Giovanni Gherdovich <g.gherdov...@gmail.com> schrieb:

Hi all,

when querying my solr instance, the answers I get
are the document IDs of my docs. Here is how one of my docs
looks like:

-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --
<field name="text">hello solar!</field>
<field name="id">123</field>
-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --

here is the response if I query for "solar" :

-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --
<lst name="responseHeader"></lst>
<result name="response" numFound="1" start="0" maxScore="1.0">
<doc><float name="score">1.0</float>
<str name="id">123</str></doc>
-- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- -- >8 -- --

which is, solr gives me the doc ID. How to retrieve the doc's field "text"
given its id ?


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