Hi guys,
I'm using Solr 3.6 and I just found out there are some changes in the
request handlers configuration and the use of qt. I read the whole
SOLR-3161 issue and the updated wiki, but I'm confused.
I'd like to have a specific handler in order to make auto-complete
suggestions using the Suggester. In the past I just configured it as
name="/suggest" and queried it through SolrJ like this:
This doesn't work anymore on Solr 3.6. The problem is that I can't find a
way to do something similar now, the qt parameter seems to be ignored, even
if I re-enable handleSelect=true within the requestDispatcher element.
The only way I can query my handler is via browser
but I can't do the same with SolrJ. How should I configure my suggest
request handler? And how can I query it through SolrJ?

Thanks in advance

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