
You can also reduce your memory requirements by storing fewer unique values.
All the _unique_ values for a field in the index are read in for
sorting. People often
store timestamps in milliseconds, which essentially means that every
document has
a unique value.

Storing your timestamps in the coarsest granularity that suits your use-case is
always a good idea, see the date math:


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Yury Kats <> wrote:
> This solves the problem by allocating memory up front, instead of at some
> point later when JVM needs it. At that later point in time there may not
> be enough free memory left on the system to allocate.
> On 7/11/2012 11:04 AM, Michael Della Bitta wrote:
>> There is a school of thought that suggests you should always set Xms
>> and Xmx to the same thing if you expect your heap to hit Xms. This
>> results in your process only needing to allocate the memory once,
>> rather in a series of little allocations as the heap expands.
>> I can't explain how this fixed your problem, but just a datapoint that
>> might suggest that doing what you did is not such a bad thing.
>> Michael Della Bitta
>> ------------------------------------------------
>> Appinions, Inc. -- Where Influence Isn’t a Game.
>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 4:05 AM, Bruno Mannina <> wrote:
>>> Hi, some news this morning...
>>> I added -Xms1024m option and now it works?! no outofmemory ?!
>>> java -jar -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m start.jar
>>> Le 11/07/2012 09:55, Bruno Mannina a écrit :
>>>> Hi Yury,
>>>> Thanks for your anwer.
>>>> ok for to increase memory but I have a problem with that,
>>>> I have 8Go on my computer but the JVM accepts only 2Go max with the option
>>>> -Xmx
>>>> is it normal?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bruno
>>>> Le 11/07/2012 03:42, Yury Kats a écrit :
>>>>> Sorting is a memory-intensive operation indeed.
>>>>> Not sure what you are asking, but it may very well be that your
>>>>> only option is to give JVM more memory.
>>>>> On 7/10/2012 8:25 AM, Bruno Mannina wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Solr Users,
>>>>>> Each time I try to do a request with &sort=pubdate+desc....
>>>>>> I get:
>>>>>> GRAVE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
>>>>>> I use Solr3.6, I have around 80M docs and my request gets around 160
>>>>>> results.
>>>>>> Actually for my test, i use jetty
>>>>>> java -jar -Xmx2g start.jar
>>>>>> PS: If I write 3g i get an error, I have 8go Ram
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help,
>>>>>> Bruno

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