: Thanks Chris, but actually, it turns out that "query text" from elevate.xml
: has to match the query (q=...). So in this case, elevation works only for
: http://localhost:8080/solr/elevate?q=brain, but not for
: http://localhost:8080/solr/elevate?q=indexingabstract:brain type of queries. 

right ... query elevation by default is based on the raw query string.

: but we have way more complicated queries which cannot be reduced just to
: q=searchterm&...

what would you want/exect QEC to do in that type of situation? how would 
it know what part of a complex query should/shouldn't be used for 

FWIW: ne thing you can do is configure a "queryFieldType" on in your 
QueryElevationComponent .. if specific, i will use the analyzer for 
that field type to process the raw query string before doing a lookup in 
the QEC data -- so for example: you could use it to lowercase the input, 
or strip out unwanted whitespace or punctuation.

it night not help for really complicated queries, but it would let you 
easily deal with things like extra whitespace you want to ignore.

I think it would also be fairly easy to make QEC support an "elevate.q" 
param similar to how there is a "spellcheck.q" param and a "hl.q" param to 
let the client specify an alternate, simplified, string for the feature to 
use -- feel free to open an issue for that and take a crack at a patch if 
you're interested.


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