I am implementing a search engine with Nutch as web crawler and Solr for
searching. Now,since Nutch has no search-user-interface any more, I came to
know about Ajax-Solr as search-user-interface.

I implemented Ajax-Solr with no hindrance, but during its search operation
its only search under reuters data. If I want to crawl the complete web
,other than reuter's data, using nutch and integrate it with solr,then i
have to replace solr's schema.xml file with nutch's schema.xml file which
will not be according to ajax-solr configuration. By replacing the
schema.xml files, ajax-solr *wont* work!!!

So, I found a solution to this (correct me if i am wrong),ie, to activate
multiple cores which means integrating Solr with nutch in one core(ie
indexing) and using Ajax-Solr in other.

I tried activating multiple cores,ie integrating solr with nutch in one
core and ajax-solr in other, but to *NO luck*. I tried every single thing,
every permutation and combination , but failed to set them up.
I followed these links
1) http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin

But they also didnt helped either. Can you please tell how to set them up???
Been stuck up with this for over 2 days nows. Kindly help!!!

Are there any other search-user-interface??


Praful Bagai

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