
> I have a solr 1.4.1 instance and a solr 3.6.0 instance, both configured as
> > identically as possible (given deprecations) and indexing the same
> document.
> Why did you do this? If you want the exact same scoring, use the exact
> same analysis.
> This means specifying luceneMatchVersion = 2.9, and the exact same
> analysis components (even if deprecated).
> > I have taken the field values for the example below and run them
> > through /admin/analysis.jsp on each solr instance. Even for the
> problematic
> > docs/fields, the results are almost identical. For the example below, the
> > t_tag values for the problematic doc:
> > 1.4.1: 162 values
> > 3.6.0: 164 values
> >
> This is why: you changed your analysis.

Apologies if I didn't clearly state my goal/concern: I am not looking for
the exact same scoring - I am looking to explain scoring differences.
 Deprecated components will eventually go away, time moves on, etc...
etc... I would like to be able to run current code, and should be able to -
the part that is sticking is being able to *explain* the difference in

As you can see from my email, after running the different analysis on the
input, the output does not demonstrate (in any way that I can see) why the
fieldNorm values would be so different. Even with the different analysis,
the results are almost identical - which *should* result in an almost
identical fieldNorm???

Again, the desire is not to be the same, it is to understand the difference.


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