Payloads are not used much, so it is not surprising there is a hole in
a side feature.
Please file a bug. Better yet, file a patch!

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:13 AM, Scott Smerchek
<> wrote:
> I'm using the PayloadTermQuery and scoring documents using a custom
> algorithm based on the payloads of the matching terms. The algorithm is
> implemented in the custom PayloadFunction and I have added an Override for
> the explain. However, the PayloadTermWeight explanation hides the details
> of the payload score...
> Explanation payloadExpl = new Explanation(scorer.getPayloadScore(),
> "scorePayload(...)");
> This is different than the way that PayloadNearSpanWeight explains the
> payload. It actually asks the payload function for the explanation rather
> than hiding it:
> Explanation payloadExpl = function.explain(doc, scorer.payloadsSeen,
> scorer.payloadScore);
> This seems like a bug/oversight. Should this be a JIRA issue, or is this
> intended? The fix is obviously very simple (just ask the PayloadFunction as
> in the PayloadNearSpanWeight).
> - Scott

Lance Norskog

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