: Managed to do this in the end by reconstructing a new SolrQueryRequest
: with a SolrRequestParsers (method buildRequestFrom()) and then calling
: core.execute();
: Took some fiddling but seems to be working now! :)

FWIW, i think the simplest way to do something like this would be...

CoreContainer cc = req.getCore().getCoreDescriptor().getCoreContainer()
SolrCore other = cc.getSolrCore("the_other_core_name") {
try {
  LocalSolrQueryRequest oreq = new LocalSolrQueryRequest(other, ...);
  try {
    SolrQueryResponse orsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); 
    other.execute(oreq, orsp);
    // do something with orsp
  } finally {
} finally {


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