
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012, at 01:37 AM, Chantal Ackermann wrote:
> I haven't been following from the beginning but am still curious: is the war 
> file on a shared fs?

No, it's not.  Atm, all's on one fs.
> See also:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/users@tomcat.apache.org/msg79555.html
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5493931/java-lang-illegalargumentexception-invalid-or-unreadable-war-file-error-in-op

I'd seen that as well.  The thread refers to a "error in opening zip
file", which I am *not* seeing.

> If you have installed Tomcat via package manager you might want to
> install directly by simple unpacking the apache-tomcat-{verison}.tar.gz
> and copying the solr.war file into the /webapps/ subdirectory.

My solr 'install' has only been 'directly'.  I've cp'd the war - from
both v3.6.1 & 4.0.0a - into default & non-default locations, with
autodeploy on & off, with pkg'd Tomcat and my own builds.  Same issue.

I've installed other .war files with no issues.

> What the answers in the stackoverflow thread suggest is packaging
> something into the solr.war. You could add the logging.properties file
> (JULI config) under WEB-INF/classes/ - I would recommend that anyway. (I
> never had problems with a clean solr.war in Tomcat (5,6,7), though.)

I did try the repackaging just in case.  Unfortunately, no diff.

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