You can't update the original documents except by reindexing them, so
no easy group assigment option.

If you create this 'collection' once but query it multiple times, you
may be able to use SOLR4 join with IDs being stored separately and
joined on. Still not great because the performance is an issue when
mapping on IDs: .

If the list is some sort of combination of smaller lists - you could
probably precompute (at index time) those fragments and do compound
query over them.

But if you have to query every time and the list is different every
time, that could be complicated.


Personal blog:
- Time is the quality of nature that keeps events from happening all
at once. Lately, it doesn't seem to be working.  (Anonymous  - via GTD

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 12:01 PM, Daniel Brügge
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am facing the following issue:
> I have couple of million documents, which have a field called "source_id".
> My problem is, that I want to retrieve all the documents which have a
> source_id
> in a specific range of values. This range can be pretty big, so for example
> a
> list of 200 to 2000 source ids.
> I was thinking that a filter query can be used like fq=source_id:(1 2 3 4 5
> 6 .....)
> but this reminds me of SQLs WHERE IN (...) which was always bit slow for a
> huge
> number of values.
> Another solution that came into my mind was to assigned all the documents I
> want to
> retrieve a new kind of "filter id". So all the documents which i want to
> analyse
> get a new id. But i need to update all the millions of documents for this
> and assign
> them a new id. This could take some time.
> Do you can think of a nicer way to solve this issue?
> Regards & greetings
> Daniel

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