Of course you can do it, but the question is whether this will produce
the performance results you expect.
I've seen talk about this in other forums, so you might find some prior
work here.

Solr and HDFS serve somewhat different purposes. The key issue would be
if your map and reduce code
overloads the Solr endpoint. Even using SolrCloud, I believe all
requests will have to go through a single
URL (to be routed), so if you have thousands of map/reduce jobs all
running simultaneously, the question is whether
your Solr is architected to handle that amount of throughput.

On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 14:55 -0700, Trung Pham wrote:

> Is it possible to run map reduce jobs directly on Solr4?
> I'm asking this because I want to use Solr4 as the primary storage engine.
> And I want to be able to run near real time analytics against it as well.
> Rather than export solr4 data out to a hadoop cluster.

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