: 1.  I am using UUID to generate unique id in my collection but when I tried
: to index the collection it could not find any doucmnets.  can you please
: tell me how to use UUID in schema.xm

in general, if you are having a problem achieving a goal, please post what 
you've tried and what kinds of errors/behavior yo uare getting instead -- 
ie: in this case telling us *how* you have already tried "using UUID to 
generate unique id" would be helpful.

In Solr 3.x, you can use the UUIDField like so...

  <fieldType name="uuid" class="solr.UUIDField" indexed="true" />
  <field name="id" type="uuid" indexed="true" stored="true" default="NEW"/>

...to generate a new UUID for every doc added.  But for Solr 4.x some 
things have changed, as noted in the "Upgrading" section for Solr 

* Due to low level changes to support SolrCloud, the uniqueKey field can no 
  longer be populated via <copyField/> or <field default=...> in the 
  schema.xml.  Users wishing to have Solr automatically generate a uniqueKey 
  value when adding documents should instead use an instance of
  solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory in their update processor chain.  See 
  SOLR-2796 for more details.


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