Hello all,

I am running 4.0 alpha and have encountered something I am unable to
explain. I am indexing content to a master server, and the data is
replicating to a slave. The odd part is that when searching through the UI,
no documents show up on master with a standard *:* query. All cache types
are set to zero. I know indexing is working because I am watching the logs
and I can see documents getting added, not to mention the data is written
to the filesystem. I have autocommit set to 60000 (1 minute) so it isn't a
commit issue.

The very strange part is that the slave is correctly replicating the data,
and it is searchable in the UI on the slave (but not master). I don't
understand how/why the data is visible on the slave and not visible on the
master. Does anyone have any thoughts on this or seen it before?

Thanks in advance!

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