Hello all,


I’m testing out the new join feature, hitting some perf
issues, as described in Erick’s article 

Basically, I’m using 2 objects in solr (this is a simplified



- Id

- Name



- ItemId

- AvailabilityStartTime

- AvailabilityEndTime


Each item can have multiple grants attached to it.


The query I'm using is the following, to find items by
name, filtered by grants availability window:


from=ItemId to=Id} AvailabilityStartTime:[* TO NOW] AND -AvailabilityEndTime:[*


With a hundred thousand items, this query can take multiple seconds
to perform, due to the large number or ItemIds returned from the join query.

Has anyone come up with a better way to use joins for these types of queries?  
Are there improvements planned in 4.0 rtm in this area?


Btw, I’ve explored simply adding Start-End times to items, but
the flat data model makes it hard to maintain start-end pairs.


Thanks for the help!




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