I'm moving my first steps with solr4 alpha and solr cloud, and I'm having troubles with the facet.pivot parameter.

starting solr cloudless I am able to use this parameter in some queries:


obtaining something like this


when I restart solr using these options

-DzkRun -DnumShards=1 -Dbootstrap_conf=true

the facet_pivot options stops working: passing two/three levels ( facet.pivot=pidlevel_0,pidlevel_1 or facet.pivot=pidlevel_0,pidlevel_1,pidlevel_2) no "facet_pivot" section is returned in the response, using 4 levels the server never returns the response and cpu goes to 100%.

Does anybody have had problems like this?

I'm using numShards=1 because I would like to have many replicas of the full core,


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