This is quite odd, it really sounds like you're not
actually committing. So, some questions.

1> What happens if you search before you shut
down your tomcat? Do you see docs then? If so,
somehow you're doing soft commits and never
doing a hard commit.

2> What happens if, as the last statement in your SolrJ
program you do a commit()?

3> While you're indexing, what do you see in your index
directory? You should see multiple segments being
created, and possibly merged so the number of
files should go up and down. If you only have a single
set of files, you're somehow not doing a commit.

4> Is there something really silly going on like your
restart scripts delete the index directory? Or you're
using a VM that restores a blank image?

5> When you do restart, are there any files at all
in your index directory?

I really suspect you've got some configuration problem


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Jonatan Fournier
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Solr 4.0.0-ALPHA and the EmbeddedSolrServer.
> Within my SolrJ application, the documents are added to the server
> using the commitWithin parameter (in my case 60s). After 1 day my 125
> millions document are all added to the server and I can see 89G of
> index data files. I stop my SolrJ application and reload my Solr
> instance in Tomcat.
> From the Solr admin panel related to my Core (collection1) I see this info:
> Last Modified:
> Num Docs:0
> Max Doc:0
> Version:1
> Segment Count:0
> Optimized: (green check)
> Current:  (green check)
> Master:
> Version: 0
> Gen: 1
> Size: 88.14 GB
> From the general Core Admin panel I see:
> lastModified:
> version:1
> numDocs:0
> maxDoc:0
> optimized: (red circle)
> current: (green check)
> hasDeletions: (red circle)
> If I query my index for *:* I get 0 result. If I trigger optimize it
> wipes ALL my data inside the index and reset to empty. I've played
> around my EmbeddedServer initially using autoCommit/softCommit and it
> was working fine. Now that I've switched to commitWithin the document
> add query, it always do that! I'm never able to reload my index within
> Tomcat/Solr.
> Any idea?
> Cheers,
> /jonathan

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