Just over 4M docs... no need to shard.  

Both your queries contain what is likely very common terms (content:a in the 
first one and content:1 in the second). Generally these are "stop words" and 
removed either during indexing or querying, but I guess not in your case.

What's your "standard" request handler look like?  Doing anything custom in 

What are the timings of the components in the debugQuery=true response?

Is the server under load when you're issuing these queries?   What about RAM?

Again, what version of Solr?


On Aug 17, 2012, at 06:35 , Sujatha Arun wrote:

> Hi Erick,
> The number of documents is : 4389048
> I have given 2 queries below with timing and the number of hits
> INFO: [ipc_widget_search] webapp=/multicore_5 path=/select/
> params={version=2.1&fl=*+score&stylesheet=&qt=standard&fq=&rows=100&start=0&q=content:if+content:elena+content:reads+content:at+content:a+content:rate+content:of+content:r+content:pages+content:per+content:minute+content:for+content:a+content:total+content:of+content:m+content:minutes}
> hits=3331109 status=0 QTime=22677
> INFO: [ipc_widget_search] webapp=/multicore_5 path=/select/
> params={version=2.1&fl=*+score&stylesheet=&qt=standard&fq=&rows=100&start=0&q=content:chapter+content:1}
> hits=1919445 status=0 QTime=6677
> Any time I execute the time taken to execute the first query is  > than
> 22secs ,now it took 33 secs to execute.
> Regards
> Sujatha
> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:30 PM, Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> How many documents do  you have?   What are the queries?  I'd guess your
>> query complexity (or load) is to blame here, not index size.  What version
>> of Solr?
>> Until you know what is causing the slow queries, sharding is not something
>> to consider I'd say.  But yes, you would want to reindex to distribute the
>> documents.
>>        Erik
>> On Aug 17, 2012, at 02:21 , Sujatha Arun wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> One of the Index in a multicore set up has a 3GB+ index ,and it seems to
>>> take around 5000ms+ to return simple boolean queries . The Index is
>>> not optimized
>>> Would it make sense to shard the index as cores in the same server to
>>> expect better response time?
>>> do I have to re index all over again to distribute the documents between
>> 2
>>> shards ?
>>> Regards
>>> Sujatha

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