Now this is very scary, while searching for "solr direct access per docid" I 
got a hit
from US Homeland Security Digital Library. Interested in what they have to tell 
about my search I clicked on the link to the page. First the page had nothing 
about it, but why I get the hit?

Inspecting the page source view shows that they have the solr query displayed 
on their page as "span" with "style=display:none".
-- snippet --
<!-- Search Results -->

<span style="display: none;">*** SOLR Query *** &mdash; q=Collection:0 AND 
(TabSection:("Congressional hearings and testimony", "Congressional
reports", "Congressional resolutions", "Directives (presidential)", "Executive 
orders", "Major Legislation", "Public laws", "Reports (CBO)",
"Reports (CHDS)", "Reports (CRS)",...
AND (Title_nostem:("China Forces Senior Intelligence Officer")^10 
AlternateTitle_nostem:("China Forces Senior Intelligence
-- snippet --

As you can see I have searched for "China Forces Senior Intelligence Officer" 
so this is directly showing the
query string.
Do they know that there is also a delete by query?
And the are also escape sequences?

This is what I call scary.
Maybe some of the US fellows can give them a hint and a helping hand.


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