1. Use filter queries

> Here a example of query, there are any incorrect o anything that can I
> change?
> http://xxx:8893/solr/candidate/select/?q=+(IdCandidateStatus:2)+(IdCobranded:3)+(IdLocation1:12))+(LastLoginDate:[2011-08-26T00:00:00Z
> TO 2012-08-28T00:00:00Z])

What is the logic here? Are you AND-ing these boolean clauses? If yes,
then I would change queries to

TO 2012-08-28T00:00:00Z]

I.e. move queries into fq (filter query) parameter.
* it should be faster as it seems you don't need score here. Sort by
id/date instead.
* fq-s will be cached separately thus increasing cache hit rate.

2. Do not optimize your index

> I have a master, and 6 slaves, they are been syncronized every 10 minutes. 
> And the index always is optimized.
DO NOT optimize your index! (unless you re-create the whole index
completely every 10 mins). It basically kills the idea of replication
(after every optimize command slaves download the whole index).

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