I have a data-config.xml with 2 entity, like

<entity name="full" PK="ID" ...>


<entity name="delta_build" PK="ID" ...>

entity delta_build is for delta import, query is


and I want to using deletedPkQuery to delete index. So I have add those to
entity "delta_build"

deltaQuery="select -1 as ID from dual"

deltaImportQuery="select * from product where a.id='${dataimporter.delta.ID}' "

deletedPKQuery="select product_id as ID from modified_product where
gmt_create &gt; to_date('${dataimporter.last_index_time}','yyyy-mm-dd
hh24:mi:ss') and modification = 'deleted'"

deltaQuery and deltaImportQuery is simply to avoid delta import any
records, course delta import has been implement by full import. and I am
just want using delta for delete index.

But when I hit query


deltaQuery and deltaImportQuery can be found in log, and without
deletedPKQuery. Is there any thing wrong in config file?

from Jun Wang

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