Isn't XSLT the bottleneck here?
I have not yet met an incremental XSLT processor, although I heard XSLT 1 
claimed it could be done in principle.

If you start to do this kind of processing, I think you have no other choice 
than write your own output method.


Le 12 sept. 2012 à 15:47, Rohit Harchandani a écrit :

> Hi all,
> I have a solr index with 5,000,000 documents and my index size is 38GB. But
> when I query for about 400,000 documents based on certain criteria, solr
> searches it really quickly but does not return data for close to 2 minutes.
> The unique key field is the only field i am requesting for. Also, I apply
> an xslt transformation to the response to get a comma separated list of
> unique keys. Is there a way to improve this speed?? Would sharding help in
> this case?
> I am currently using solr 4.0 beta in my application.
> Thanks,
> Rohit

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