You may be able to do this with grouping. Group on the medicine "family", and 
only show the Original if there are multiple items in the family.


On Sep 12, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Gustav wrote:

> Hello everyone, I'm working on an e-commerce website and using Solr as my
> Search Engine, im really enjoying its funcionality and the search
> options/performance. 
> But i am stucky in a kinda tricky cenario... That what happens:
> I Have  a medicine web-store, where i indexed all necessary products in my
> Index Solr. 
> But when i search for some medicine, following my business rules, i have to
> verify if the result of my search contains any Original medicine, if there
> is any, then i wouldn't show the generics of this respective medicine, on
> the other hand, if there wasnt any original product in the result i would
> have to return its generics.
> Im currently returning the original and generics, is there a way to do this
> kind of "checking" in solr?
> Thanks! :)

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