: Since Edge N-gram tokens are a subset of N-gram tokens, I was wondering if
: I could be a bit more space efficient.

the use of edgengrams is really a question of your goal and wether having 
terms for those overlaping ngram tokens is what you want.

If you just want to match the existing terms you already have in a way 
that scores documents higher when those terms have a lower term position, 
then something like a "SpanFirstQuery" is probably more appropriate.

Off the top of my head, i'm not sure that there is an easy way to generate 
a SpanFirstQuery in solr at the moment -- the "surround" parser supports 
SpanQueries through a special syntax, but I don't think it supports 
SpanFirstQuery - so writing your own quick and dirty SpanFirstQParser 
(based on TermQParser) might be the best way to go.


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