Are you trying to re-parse the queries that you extract from the log to determine the query terms?

You might look at how the highlighter works since it accesses the query terms.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Fumio Takayama
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 4:39 AM
Subject: How to approach to analyze Solr Edismax Query log

HI All

I provide the search service using Solr.

When users used the service, I would like to analyze the search query log
of Solr and to know to what kind of search word it is referring.
It is searching to Solr using the Edismax query.

Then, when analyzing, it is being examined whether analysis is made using
ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin of Solr.

I have two question.

- is this approach right?
- How to use ExtendedDismaxQParserPlugin when my approach is right?

(Initialization, the parameter of Method, etc.)

Would you help someone?


Fumio Takayama

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