I probably wouldn't suggest running Tomcat as root because of the
principle of least privilege, but aside from that, it's sort of
immaterial what you call the account, particularly if you already have
a 'tomcat' daemon account set up.

Michael Della Bitta

Appinions | 18 East 41st St., Suite 1806 | New York, NY 10017
Where Influence Isn’t a Game

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Ken Clarke
<k_cla...@perlprogrammer.net> wrote:
> Can I have some clarification about installing Tomcat as the user solr?  See 
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrTomcat#Installing_Tomcat_6 second paragraph, 
> which states "Create the solr user. As solr, extract the Tomcat 6.0 download 
> into /opt/tomcat6".
> Does this user need a home-dir?  (I'm guessing no).  Should it have it's own 
> private group?  If so, is that group a system group with GID < 500?  What 
> about a login shell (again I'm guessing not necessary)
> The documentation doesn't go on to say that you should switch to the solr 
> user account when installing SOLR.  Sorry if that sounds like a dumb 
> question, but there is no explanation about why tomcat needs to be installed 
> as solr rather than tomcat or root.
> Thanks.

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