Hi, Tanguy
     I would do as your suggestion.
Best Regards!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tanguy Moal" <tanguy.m...@gmail.com>
To: <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>; <t...@statsbiblioteket.dk>
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: How can I create about 100000 independent indexes in Solr?

That is an interesting issue...
I was wondering if relying on dynamic fields could be an option...

Something like :

* <field_name>: <field_type>
* customer : string
* *_field_a1 : type_a
* *_field_a2 : type_a
* *_field_b1 : type_b
* ...

And the prefix each field by the customer name, so for customer1, indexed
documents are as follow :
* customer : customer1
* customer1_field_a1 : value for field_a1
* customer1_field_a2 : value for field_a2
* customer1_field_b1 : value for field_b1
* ...
And for customer2 :
* customer : customer2
* customer2_field_a1 : value for field_a1
* customer2_field_a2 : value for field_a2
* customer2_field_b1 : value for field_b1
* ...

This solution is simple, and helps isolating each customers fields so
features like suggester, spellcheck, ..., things relying on frequencies
would work (as if in a single core)

I just don't how well does solr scale if the number of fields increases...

Then scaling could be achieved depending on number of doc / customer and
number of customer / core (if amount of fields consumes resources)

Could that help ?


2012/9/25 Toke Eskildsen <t...@statsbiblioteket.dk>

> On Tue, 2012-09-25 at 04:21 +0200, 韦震宇 wrote:
> > The company I'm working in have a website to server more than 100000
> > customers, and every customer should have it's own search cataegory.
> > So I should create independent index for every customer.
> How many of the customers are active at any given time and how large are
> the indexes? Depending on usage you might be able to have a limited
> number of indexes open at any given time and opening new indexes on
> demand.

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