Hello, I have a simple Solr core setup to index 500 store locations with
their corresponding latitude / longitude.  The core is setup, running, and
importing correctly however I'm seeing odd behavior when monitoring Sql.
 Here are the steps I'm going through and the behavior we're seeing.

We have a stored procedure, solr_GetStoreLocations that looks like this
 (1) insert into SolrIndexLog (RecordCount, IndexName) select count(*),
'STORE_LOCATOR' from Stores;
 (2) select * from Stores;

The first step in the stored procedure inserts the record count from
"Stores" into another table called "SolrIndexLog" so that we can run
historical reports against what Solr indexed.  The second step returns all
records from "Stores" to the DIH handler which imports the store records

The first step in the stored procedure does not seem to work.  When we use
Sql Management Studio, connect to the Sql instance, and call
"solr_GetStoreLocations" we see the insert statement execute and the record
successfully inserted.  We ran a trace from Sql Management Studio and found
that when Solr connects to Sql a "rollback tran" is being sent causing the
"insert" to rollback.  Here are the details of the trace.

 set transaction isolation level  read committed  set implicit_transactions
 set transaction isolation level  read committed  set implicit_transactions
 set implicit_transactions on
 exec solr_GetStoreLocations
 IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 COMMIT TRAN set implicit_transactions off

We are using Tomcat 7.0, Solr 3.5, and the sqljdbc4.jar driver.  We also
have the Sql connection details setup through Tomcat's Catalina xml
configuration as such (* replacing sensitive details).

 <Context docBase="*\apache-solr-3_5_0.war" debug="0" crossContext="true" >
<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="*"
override="true" />
<Resource name="jdbc/*" auth="Container"
url="jdbc:sqlserver://*;databaseName=*" />

For the life of me I cannot figure out what is causing the rollback and how
to suppress the behavior.  Any help would be much appreciated.


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