We have configured 2 spellcheckers English and French in solr 4 BETA.  Each 
spellchecker works with a specific search handler. The English spellchecker is 
working as expected with any word regardless of the case.  On the other hand, 
the French spellchecker works with lowercase words. If the first letter is 
uppercase, then the spellchecker is not returning any suggestion unless we add 
the spellcheck.q parameter with that term. To further clarify, this doesn't 
return any corrections:


But this one works as expected:


According to this page 
(http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent#q_OR_spellcheck.q) , the 
spellcheck.q paramater shouldn't be required:

"If spellcheck.q is defined, then it is used, otherwise the original input 
query is used"

Are we missing something?  We double checked the configuration settings for 
English which is working fine and it seems well configured.

Here is an extract of the spellcheck component configuration for French language

  <searchComponent name="spellcheckfr" class="solr.SpellCheckComponent">
      <str name="queryAnalyzerFieldType">text_general_fr"</str>
      <lst name="spellchecker">
      <str name="name">default</str>
      <str name="field">SpellingFr</str>
      <str name="classname">solr.DirectSolrSpellChecker</str>
      <str name="distanceMeasure">internal</str>
      <float name="accuracy">0.5</float>
     <int name="maxEdits">2</int>
     <int name="minPrefix">1</int>
      <int name="maxInspections">5</int>
      <int name="minQueryLength">4</int>
      <float name="maxQueryFrequency">0.01</float>
      <str name="buildOnCommit">true</str>

Thanks for any help

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