
I think you don't have that much tuning possiblities using only the
schema.xml file.

You will have to write some custom Java code (subclasses of
UpdateRequestProcessor and UpdateRequestProcessorFactory), build a Java jar
containing your custom code, put that jar in one of the path declared your
solrconfig.xml (<lib> </lib>) -- or add a new one,  and finally tune the
update processors chain configuration (still in solrconfig.xml) so your
custom update processor is used.

See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRequestProcessor which uses exactly
your use case as an example.

I hope this will help you :)


2012/10/15 Virendra Goswami <virendra.gosw...@koovs.com>

> Can we limit copyfield source condition?
> for example if we want to make lookup in source="product_name" and
> dest="some_dest"
> so our syntax would become
> <copyField source="product_name" dest="some_dest" maxChar=200>
> How about copying only those product_names having status=0 AND attribute1=1
> AND attribute2=0.
> assume status,attribute1,attribute2 and product_name being two different
> attribute of a same table.
> can we write something like
> <copyField source= "product_name" AND  source="status:0" AND
> source="attribute:1" AND source="attribute2:0" dest="some_dest"
> maxchar=200>
> Thanks in advance

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