: As an interim measure, I tried putting the jars in a separate directory and
: added a commandline option for the classpath.  I also downgraded to 1.6.4,
: because despite asking for a war without it, the war still contains slf4j-api
: version 1.6.4. The log still shows that it failed to find a logger binding -
: no difference from above.

As a followup to my other comments:

I think the reason the slf4j-api jar is left in the war is because the 
"exclusion" is only of the specifc binding used.  users can't arbitrarily 
drop in any version of slf4j that they want at runtime, the slf4j-api has 
to match what solr was compiled against so that the logging calls solr 
makes will still work.

: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=etc/logging.properties option. Trying to set
: that property in jetty.xml according to the wiki didn't work.  I notice that
: the example says 'mortbay' ... perhaps Jetty 8 does it differently?

Very probably


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