Thanks for the replies.
I think I'll take a look at NRT.

(2012/10/21 4:42), Nagendra Nagarajayya wrote:
> You may want to look at realtime NRT for this kind of performance:
> You can download realtime NRT integrated with Apache Solr from here:
> Regards,
> - Nagendra Nagarajayya
> On 10/18/2012 11:50 PM, higashihara_hdk wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> I have two questions. I am considering using Solr 4.0 to perform full
>> searches on the data output in real-time by a Storm cluster
>> (
>> 1. In particular, I'm concerned whether Solr would be able to keep up
>> with the 2000-message-per-second throughput of the Storm cluster. What
>> kind of throughput would I be able to expect from Solr 4.0, for example
>> on a Xeon 2.5GHz 4-core with HDD?
>> 2. Also, how efficiently would Solr scale with clustering?
>> Any pertinent information would be greatly appreciated.
>> Hideki Higashihara

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