Yes thanks.
But how can I check the status of a collection? The action STATUS not exist in the CollectionAdmin, only in the CoreAdmin. At the moment probably the only way to get information about this is somehow through the ZkStateReader?


On 27.10.2012 06:37, Chris Hostetter wrote:
: I can't find a good way to create a new Collection with SolrJ.
: I need to create my Collections dynamically and at the moment the only way I
: see is to call the CollectionAdmin with a HTTP Call directly to any of my
: SolrServers.
: I don't like this because I think its a better way only to communicate through
: the CloudSolrServer connected to the zookeeper Servers and my application dont

There may not be any specific "convinience methods" for doing collection
creation requests (patches welcome!) but the
SolrServer.request(SolrRequest) method should be capable of making a
request to the collections admin API.

I think it would be something along the lines of...

UpdateRequest req = new UpdateRequest("/admin/collections");


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