At a high level, I have a need to be able to execute a query that joins
across cores, and that query during its joining may join back to the
originating core.

Find all Books written by an Author who has written a best selling Book.

In Solr query syntax
A) against the book core - bestseller:true
B) against the author core - {!join fromIndex=book from=id
C) against the book core - {!join fromIndex=author from=id
to=authorid}{!join fromIndex=book from=id to=bookid}bestseller:true

A - returns results
B - returns results
C - does not return results

Given that A and C use the same core, I started looking for join code that
compares the originating core to the fromIndex and found this
in JoinQParserPlugin (line #159).

        if (info.getReq().getCore() == fromCore) {

          // if this is the same core, use the searcher passed in...
otherwise we could be warming and

          // get an older searcher from the core.

          fromSearcher = searcher;

        } else {

          // This could block if there is a static warming query with a
join in it, and if useColdSearcher is true.

          // Deadlock could result if two cores both had useColdSearcher
and had joins that used eachother.

          // This would be very predictable though (should happen every
time if misconfigured)

          fromRef = fromCore.getSearcher(false, true, null);

          // be careful not to do anything with this searcher that requires
the thread local

          // SolrRequestInfo in a manner that requires the core in the
request to match

          fromSearcher = fromRef.get();


I found that if I were to modify the above code so that it always follows
the logic in the else block, I get the results I expect.

Can someone explain to me why the code is written as it is?  And if we were
to run with only the else block being executed, what type of adverse
impacts we might have?

Does anyone have other ideas on how to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

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