Correct.  There was a good thread on this topic on the ElasticSearch ML.
Search for "oversharding" and my name. Same ideas apply to SolrCloud.
Neither server offer automatic rebalancing yet, though ES lets you move
shards around on demand.

Performance Monitoring -
On Nov 4, 2012 12:20 PM, "Nathan Findley" <> wrote:

> Otis,
> Thanks for that makes sense.  I have one more question: at this point the
> only way for future expansion of shard count is by having more than one
> shard per machine and then, when things grow, moving each shard to its own
> dedicated machine?  That is how I understand it from the wiki.
> So for instance I could have 10 shards where 2 machines have 5 shards
> each.  Then I could move those shards to their own machines as the index
> grows.  Is this correct?  Does it apply to replicas as well (5 per 2
> replica machines)?
> Finally being able to add more shards is something on the feature list?
> Regards,
> Nate
> On 11/03/2012 10:11 PM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Check the archive for a similar Q&A yesterday.  Reindexing would be the
>> cleanest.
>> Otis
>> --
>> Performance Monitoring -
>> On Nov 3, 2012 8:22 AM, "Nathan Findley" <> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>> I have one machine running solr 3.6.  I would like to move this data to
>>> solr 4.0 and set up a solrcloud.
>>> I feel like I should replicate the existing data.  After that, it isn't
>>> clear to me what I need to do.
>>> 1) Create a slave (4.0) that replicates from the master (3.6).
>>> 2) Somehow turn the slave into a part of a solrcloud?
>>> If there are any online articles about this process or you have any
>>> suggestions, I would appreciate it!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Nate

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