On 11/7/2012 10:55 AM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:
Hi Shawn,

It the last part really correct?  Optimization should be doable while
updates are going on... or am I missing something?

From what I recall when I was first putting my build system together, which I will admit was on Solr 1.4.0, I couldn't do updates/deletes while optimizing was underway. I don't think 3.x was a whole lot different in this respect. From the little I understand about the significant changes in 4.0, it is probably now possible to do everything at the same time with no worry.

Because they are using 3.3, I don't think they have access to this ability. Given the limited amount of information available, it seemed the most likely explanation. I could be wrong, and if I am, they will have to keep looking for an explanation.

I'm definitely no expert, and I have not tried optimizing and updating at the same time since upgrading to 3.x. My indexing system deliberately avoids doing the two at the same time because it caused problems on 1.4.x.

I would certainly love to know for sure whether it's possible on 4.0, because I am in the process of updating my entire test environment in preparation for a production rollout. If I can do updates/commits at the same time as optimizing, my code will get smaller and a lot simpler.


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