On 8 November 2012 16:10, Andreas Niekler
<aniek...@informatik.uni-leipzig.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> how could i re-index stored values of my solr index if i change the
> schema. Is there a gentle way to do this with stored values within solr
> itself? Normally i have to grab the stored values of a field and put it
> again to an update query for solr.
> What does that to to copied fields? Can i just delete the contents of a
> copied field a well?

There are various ways one could do this, but one way is to retrieve
the values, put it into Solr XML format, and post the XML to a *new*
Solr index with the new schema. Do not retrieve the copy fields, and
the re-indexing should recopy these as per directives in the new schema.xml.


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