You can do numeric math in function queries, but not string operations, and there is no provision for doing string operations in a query using the result of an embedded function query.

You haven't shown us a full query.

Sounds like we have another candidate for "XY Problem". First you need to tell us what you are really trying to accomplish, THEN a solution can be pursued.

Take a look at the "ms" function query for date calculations - which is separate from so-called "date-math" which is a constant offset from a base date literal value.

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Indika Tantrigoda
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2012 3:11 PM
Subject: Date math query syntax

Hi All,

I am trying to use date math along with a filed
value. 1970-01-01T04:32:010Z+(_val_:prep_time)MINUTES is the date math
query I am using. prep_time is of type int. I am having trouble properly
formatting the string resulting in exceptions. I am guessing that I am not
properly formatting the query with quotes and/or parenthesis.


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