On 12/28/2012 10:34 PM, Otis Gospodnetic wrote:

I'm not sure what that autoCommit with 0 values does.  Does it effectively
disable autocommits?  I hope so, else this may be a problem.


I have 0 in my config for autocommit on my production 3.5.0 servers, and have had since 1.4.0. I suggested to this user on irc (#solr) that they try those values, with the idea that commits during indexing might be consuming additional memory. Setting the autocommit values to zero appears to disable autocommit.

I've been unable to figure out what shreejay's problem might be. I'm not running into this problem.

Making an assumption here about gender, apologies if it's the wrong one: He's giving a lot more memory (12GB) to Solr than I am (8GB). His shards (36-40GB) are larger than mine (17GB), but I have all six of my large shards on the same dev server / JVM, so in effect I have larger indexes. The one big difference that I can see is that he's using SolrCloud on 4.0, and I'm on recent 4.1 snapshots without SolrCloud.

I have not asked many questions about query patterns, which might lead to big memory usage in FieldCache.


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