
You might more response on this list is you can describe a little in detail 
what your application needs to do.  A lot of us haven't used Endeca and won't 
understand exactly what you mean here.

With that said, I migrated a few apps from Endeca to Solr a few years back and 
will try to help with your questions best I can...

1. I never used this Endeca feature and wasn't aware it existed.  Do you mean 
that Endeca scans the keywords and if some keyword exists it just sends the 
user to some arbitrary place?  I don't think Solr supports this at all but then 
again I doubt it would be hard for you to re-implement, either in your 
application or by extending Solr's SearchHandler.

2. Solr's facets can only sort descending by count or alphabetically.  So if 
you have Dimensions set up in Forge that you've ordered in some custom way, 
you're going to have to move that sorting to your application.  Or, you can 
prepend the data with the sort order and then have your application strip the 
prefix out (and sort alphabetically).

3. Automatic Phrasing.  You can approximate this feature either using Shingles, 
index-time synonyms, or with the spellchecking features.

4. Dynamic Business Rules.  In my opinion, here is where Endeca really has an 
advantage.  We never used the features, but my understanding is that Endeca has 
a web interface where business users can log in and then configure their sales 
promotions, etc so as to score promoted results above others, etc.  To my 
knowledge, the closest thing Solr has is QueryElevationComponent, which might 
do the job for you but it is probably a lot less rich than what Endeca can 

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Sachin Gangadhar Katarki [] 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 1:27 AM
Subject: search features Endeca vs Solr

Hi Everyone,

I am looking for search features similar to what Endeca provides in Solr. I 
have googled a lot could not get answer for few and for some I could not get a 
right answers.

1)      Keyword re-direct : On search particular keyword user will be 
redirected to configured URL

2)      Dimension ordering : In Refinements  we can move the values in the 
hierarchy. Can we do the same in solr ??

3)      Automatic phrasing :

4)      Dynamic business rule:

Best Regards,
RCLADT| Infosys ltd|E-city

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