
Why did you paste that as the example then :) ?

4.0 has problems using the collections api with the CloudSolrServer. You will 
be able to do it for 4.1, but for 4.0 you have to use an HttpSolrServer and 
pick a node to talk to. For 4.0, CloudSolrServer is just good for querying and 

- Mark

On Jan 7, 2013, at 1:20 PM, "Jay Parashar" <jparas...@itscape.com> wrote:

> Right Mark,
> I am accessing the Collections API using Solrj. This is where I am stuck. If
> I just use the Collections API using http thru the browser, the behavior is
> as expected. Is there an example of using the Collections API using SolrJ?
> My code looks like
> String[] urls =
> {"","","http://127.0.0
> .1:7500/solr/",""};
> CloudSolrServer server = new CloudSolrServer("", new
> LBHttpSolrServer(urls));
> server.getLbServer().getHttpClient().getParams().setParameter(CoreConnection
> server.getLbServer().getHttpClient().getParams().setParameter(CoreConnection
> PNames.SO_TIMEOUT, 20000); server.setDefaultCollection(collectionName);
> server.connect();
> CoreAdminRequest.Create create = new CoreAdminRequest.Create();
> create.setCoreName("myColl"); create.setCollection("myColl");
> create.setInstanceDir("defaultDir");
> create.setDataDir("myCollData");
> create.setNumShards(2);
> create.process(server); //Exception No live SolrServers  is thrown here
> Regards
> Jay
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Miller [mailto:markrmil...@gmail.com] 
> Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 11:57 AM
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Subject: Re: "No live SolrServers" Solr 4 exceptions on trying to create a
> collection
> On Jan 7, 2013, at 12:33 PM, Jay Parashar <jparas...@itscape.com> wrote:
>> With my setup (4 servers running at localhost 8983, 8900, 7574 and 7500)
> when I manually do a 
> r=default&dataDir=myColl1Data&collection=myColl1&numShards=2
>> it creates the collection only at the 7500 server. This is similar to when
> I use HttpSolrServer (Solr 3.6 behavior).
> This only starts one core. If you want to use the CoreAdmin API you would
> need to make four calls, one to each server.
> If you want this done for you, you must use the Collections API - see the
> wiki:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCloud#Managing_collections_via_the_Collectio
> ns_API
> - Mark

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