Sorry for that, we just spoiled that thread so posted my question in a fresh 

Problem is indeed very simple.
I have solr documents, which has all the required fields(from db).
Say DOC1,DOC2,DOC3.....DOCn.

Every document has 1 night tariff and I have 180 nights tariff.
So a person can search for any combination in these 180 nights. 

Say a request came to me to give total tariff for 10th to 15th of jan 2013.
Now I need to get a sum of tariff field of 6 docs.

So how can I keep this data indexed, to avoid search time calculation, and 
there are other dimensions of this data also beside tariff.
Hope this makes sense.

Harshvardhan Ojha

-----Original Message-----
From: Gora Mohanty [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: Hotel Searches

On 8 January 2013 17:10, Harshvardhan Ojha <> 
> Hi All,
> Looking into a finding solution for Hotel searches based on the below 
> criteria's

Didn't you just post this on a separate thread, complete with some nonsensical 
follow-up from a colleague of yours? Please do not repost the same message over 
and over again.

It is not clear what you are trying to achieve.
What is the difference between a city and a hotel in your data? How is a person 
represented in your documents? Is it by the ID field?

Are you looking to cache all possible combinations of ID, city, and startdate? 
If so, to what end?  This smells like a XY problem:


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