
Our current architecture is as follows ,

   - Single server  [ On which we do both Indexing and Searching]
   - Solr version 3.6.1  Multicores
   - We have several small & big indexes as cores within a webapp
   - Our Indexing to the individual cores happen via an index queue ,due to
   which at any given time ,we are indexing only to one or at most 2 cores
   - Also we processing our pdf's and html files externally to text files
   before feeding it to solr

We are planning to move to the AWS using 3.6.1 and  would want to

   -  Separate the  Indexing and  Searching to separate servers as master
   /slave .This is mainly   so that the both the activities are not competing
   for resources
   - Also to use  Tika to process pdf and also to process html files
   directly via solr ,which might increase the CPU load.
   -  But ,if I set up so that all Indexing request are going to one server
   sequentially and each core in slave polls the master core for index changes
   ,and then issues a commit to load a new index reader,then all this activity
   might happen in parallel which will actually spike the CPU activity on
   slave and hence will degrade the search performance?

Is this assumption correct?Then is there any advantage other
than availability to this architecture ,any advice on this?


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