Hi Niklas,

Maybe this link helps:



On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:19 PM, Niklas Langvig <
niklas.lang...@globesoft.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm quite new to solr and trying to understand how to create a schema from
> how our postgres database and then search for the content in solr instead
> of querying the db.
> My question should be really easy, it has most likely been asked many
> times but still I'm not able to google any answer to it.
> To make it easy, I have 3 columns: users, courses and languages
> Users has columns , userid, firstname, lastname
> Courses has column coursename, startdate, enddate
> Languages has column language, writingskill, verbalskill
> UserA has taken courseA, courseB and courseC and has writingskill good
> verbalskill good for english and writingskill excellent verbalskill
> excellent for spanish
> UserB has taken courseA, courseF, courseG and courseH and has writingskill
> fluent verbalskill fluent for english and writingskill good verbalskill
> good for italian
> I would like to put this data into solr so I can search for all "users how
> have taken courseA and are fluent in english".
> Can I do that?
> The problem is I'm not sure how to flatten this database into a schema
> It's easy to understand the users column, for example
> <field name="userid" type="string" indexed="true" />
> <field name="firstname" type="string" indexed="true" />
> <field name="lastname" type="string" indexed="true" />
> But then I'm not so sure how the schema should look like for courses and
> languages
> <field name="userid" type="string" indexed="true" />
> <field name="coursename" type="string" indexed="true" />
> <field name="startdate" type="string" indexed="true" />
> <field name="enddate" type="string" indexed="true" />
> Thanks for any help
> /Niklas

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