It looks like a use case for using Solrj with queryAndStreamResponse ?,%20org.apache.solr.client.solrj.StreamingResponseCallback%29


On 01/15/2013 04:49 PM, Mikhail Khludnev wrote:
It's a well know search engines limitation. This post will help you get
into the core problem . it
seems that the solution is contributed into Lucene, but not yet for Solr.

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 6:36 PM, Upayavira<>  wrote:

You are setting yourself up for disaster.

If you ask Solr for documents 1000 to 1010, it needs to sort documents 1
to 1010, and discard the first 1000, which causes horrible performance.

I'm curious to hear if others have strategies to extract content
sequentially from an index. I suspect a new SearchComponent could really
help here.

I suspect it would work better if you don't sort at all, in which case
you'll return the documents in index order. The issue is that a commit,
or a background merge could change index order which would mess up your

Sorry no clearer answers.


On Tue, Jan 15, 2013, at 02:07 PM, elisabeth benoit wrote:

I have a Solr instance (solr 3.6.1) with around 3 000 000 documents. I
to read (in a java test application) all my documents, but not in one
(because it takes too much memory).

So I send the same request, over and over, with

sort=id desc  =>  to be sure I always get same ordering*
and start parameter increased of 1000 at each iteration

checking the solr logs, I realized that the query responding time
as the start parameter gets bigger

for instance

with start<  500 000, it takes about 500ms
with start>  1 100 000  and<  1 200 000, it takes between 5000 and 5200
with start>  1 250 000 and<  1 320 000, it takes between 6100 and 6400 ms

Does someone have an idea how to optimize this query?


André Bois-Crettez

Search technology, Kelkoo

Kelkoo SAS
Société par Actions Simplifiée
Au capital de € 4.168.964,30
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