Hi Mike.

I am going through this too.

How did you solve this?



On 15 December 2011 12:49, Michael Kelleher <mj.kelle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I tried:
> //xhtml:div[@class='**bibliographicData']/**descendant:node()
> also tried
> //xhtml:div[@class='**bibliographicData']
> Neither worked.  The DIV I need also had an ID value, and I tried both
> variations on ID as well.  Still nothing.
> XPath handling for Tika seems to be pretty basic and does not seem to
> support most XPath Query syntax.  Probably because it's using a Sax parser,
> I don't know.  I guess I will have to write something custom to get it to
> do what I need it to.
> Thanks for the reply though.
> I will post a follow up with how I fixed this.
> --mike

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