            I am really
new to Solr, and I have never used anything similar to it before. So please
pardon my ignorance. I downloaded  Solr
4.0 from http://lucene.apache.org/solr/downloads.html and start it using the 
>java -jar start.jar  
This generates a number of INFO log messages to the console,
that I would like to better view. 
            What is the
best way to send these log messages to a file? I see a logs directory, but it
seems to be empty. I first tried to add the log4j.properties in the “etc”
directory as mentioned in http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrLogging.
I then started solr on the commandline: 
>java -jar start.jar
This does not give me any log files. I would appreciate any
ideas in this regard i.e. the easiest way to get logging into the example app.
Thank you,
O. O.

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