Thanks, though I am still confused.

How about this one:

manu:apple => 1 hit
+name:video => 2 hits

manu:apple +name:video => 2 hits

Solr ignores the manu:apple part completely?


Den 22/01/13 23.16, Jack Krupansky skrev:
The first query:

   name:ipod OR -name:ipod => 0 hits

The "OR" and "-" are actually at the same level of the BooleanQuery, so the "-" overrides the OR so it's equivalent to:

   name:ipod -name:ipod => 0 hits

For the second query:

   (name:ipod) OR (-name:ipod) => 3 hits

Pure negative queries are supported only at the top level, so the "(-name:ipod)" matches nothing, so the query is equivalent to:

   (name:ipod) => 3 hits

You can simply insert a "*:*" to assure that it is not a pure negative query inside the parentheses:

   (name:ipod) OR (*:* -name:ipod)

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Anders Melchiorsen
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 4:59 PM
Subject: Confused by queries


With the example server of Solr 4.0.0 (with *.xml indexed), I get these

*:* => 32 hits
name:ipod => 3 hits
-name:ipod => 29 hits

That is all fine, but for these next queries, I would expect to get 32
hits (i.e. everything), or at least the same number of hits for both

name:ipod OR -name:ipod => 0 hits
(name:ipod) OR (-name:ipod) => 3 hits

As my expectations are not met, I must be missing something?


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