: We met a wired problem in our project when sorting by score in Solr 4.0, 
: the biggest score document is not a the top the debug explanation from 
: solr are like this,

that's weird ... can you post the full debugQuery output of a an example 
query showing the problem, using "echoParams=all" & "fl=id,score" (or 
whatever unique key field you have)

also: can you elaborate wether you are using a single node setup or a 
distributed (ie: SolrCloud) query?

: Then we thought it could be a float rounding problem then we implement 
: our own similarity class to increse queryNorm by 10,000 and it changes 
: the score scale but the rank is still wrong.

when you post the details request above, please don't use your custom 
similarity (just the out of the box solr code) so there's one less 
variable in the equation.


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