Alright, so my suggestion of overriding HttpShardHandler to route users to the 
same replica instead of shuffling the replica URL's is doable? What about the 
comment in HttpShardHandler then?

      // Shuffle the list instead of use round-robin by default.
      // This prevents accidental synchronization where multiple shards could 
get in sync
      // and query the same replica at the same time.
      if (urls.size() > 1)
        Collections.shuffle(urls, httpShardHandlerFactory.r);
      shardToURLs.put(shard, urls);

Instead of shuffling i would then hash the user to the correct replica if 

-----Original message-----
> From:Mark Miller <>
> Sent: Thu 24-Jan-2013 00:33
> To:
> Subject: Re: Issues with docFreq/docCount on SolrCloud
> On Jan 23, 2013, at 6:21 PM, Yonik Seeley <> wrote:
> > A solr request could request a token that when resubmitted with a
> > follow-up request would result in hitting the same replicas if
> > possible.
> Yeah, this would be good. It's also useful for not catching "eventual 
> consistency" effects between queries.
> - Mark

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